Journaling For Mental Health (With Pictures)

At the beginning of 2019, I made a little resolution to myself to start journaling to help my mental health, and bring positivity to my daily life. I first began by recording my daily mood, as well as tracking my sleep and writing to-do lists for the week. What was a book of records has now become an all round well being journal for my mental health. I've made it something that I can look at any time I'm struggling to feel a little better about my day. It's basically a written toolbox full of techniques and reminders, which is great for helping myself when I need it.

I've been struggling with anxiety lately due to trauma, so I wrote down two techniques to use whilst having an attack, to remind myself that it's okay.

 Sometimes, depression gets the better of me. When I have down days, it's good to look at this page and remind myself to take it easy, reach out and try to enjoy the little things.

 We're all prone to overthinking, so I wrote this page to look at when I'm in the "worry zone", reminding myself to keep calm and distract myself with other things.

If you've never done any journaling before, fear not! You don't need lots of money and you don't need to be an artist. I only paid £4 for my journal from ASDA. Luckily for me, I'm a stationery lover and so already had a tonne of pens and colours at hand, but if you don't, there are plenty of places to find them- The Works is a good one for really cheap. If you're a stationery lover like me, Paperchase is your best friend.

Why journal?
A journal is almost like that diary you had when you were a teenager, where you used to keep your inner most darkest secrets and feelings. If you never had a diary, it's never to late to start!
Journaling is great for managing anxiety, giving your mood a boost and enhance your sense of well-being. It can also reduce symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and trauma. By journaling for just five minutes each day, you can reduce your stress levels and improve your overall mood. There are literally no cons to journaling whatsoever. It's all good for your mental well-being, so why not give it a try?
One thing I must make very clear is that there is no right or wrong way to journal. Some people prefer writing more, others prefer drawing or painting. Some like to keep it minimalist, others like to be extremely expressive. Whatever suits you is whatever will work for you.

Many of us write to do lists, but why not write a NOT to do list, to keep bad habits at bay.

Ah, the art of loving thyself- a very difficult art to master, but it can all start with gentle reminders and self reflection. 

When I'm depressed, I seem to forget everything good about myself and life. This page reminds me that there is still good inside me and that I am important. Depression tries to take everything positive away from you, but having this to read gives me strength during those hard days.

How Do I Start?
Buy a journal (any you like), some supplies and get inspired! A great place to find inspiration is Pinterest. There are countless pictures and articles on mental health tips, physical health tips (this doesn't have to be limited to just mental health), and general inspiration. Anything you want to achieve can be written in your journal, whether it's tips to coping with anxiety, managing your eating disorder, or even healthy reminders of goals such as exercise, sleep, weekly to do, etc. If you want to draw, do it. If you want to add photographs of memories, go for it. There are no rules, and what's great is that the journal is entirely yours. That is the beauty of it.

Self care is very important, and when my mental health is bad I struggle to take care of myself, so I wrote this little page to inspire me to take steps to feel good about myself. Plus, you can't beat a little spa day!

 Sometimes, just choosing one of these affirmations and repeating it to myself throughout the day is enough to make me feel more positive about myself and life.

There are times when mental health just gets the better of me. It is in those times I have to act, and that's when distraction comes into play. Yes, it can be irritating when you've got to try task after task, but I always find something that works eventually.

How Has Journaling Helped Me?
Since starting my journal, I have noticed a significant improvement in my mood. It's something I can do at any time of the day. If I wake up early, I journal. If I can't sleep, I journal. It keeps me calm and helps me feel productive- something I struggle with a lot. Journaling gives me a purpose, that purpose being serving myself for the greater good. It calms my anxiety, reminds me that I am worthy and gives me gentle reminders to do things I sometimes forget I like. What I love the most about journaling is how it keeps my creative juices flowing. As adults, many of us lose our creativity but journaling brings it right back to us. Using my creativity makes me feel accomplished and proud- something I haven't felt in quite a few years.
I have honestly found journaling to be extremely transformative in my life. I can't imagine ever not doing it now.

So, if you want to work on yourself, for yourself and by yourself, buy a journal and get started. If you want to improve your health, try it. If you want to feel better in your life, give it a go. You will NOT regret it.

This is possibly my favourite of all my pages, because it honours all parts of my life.

Sometimes, we just need to read something good.

While it's an uphill struggle, I'm determined to feel some self love and acceptance. I have this page to remind me to practice that.


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