I'm Back

It's been six whole months since I last posted. My life has changed quite a lot in that time. I've healed so much mentally, which is what I've been focusing on and why I haven't posted.
I've been in recovery for a few years but my healing really started in June when I spoke out about being raped in 2017, which is something I kept to myself for over a year. Speaking out about it helped me to accept what happened and also realise the copious amounts of support and love I have from people. It felt like a massive weight had been lifted from me and I could finally breathe. I spoke out on Wordpress, to my family and friends and also to my mental health team. in which I got a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Finally, the nightmares and flashbacks made sense and I could work on grounding myself when they reared their ugly heads.
In August, I met my current partner. He expressed how inspiring he found my music. I invited him to one of my gigs and we totally hit it off there and then. Ever since, he has helped me through my depressive days, held me during my flashbacks and helped me rationalise my thoughts and situations. Not to mention he generally makes me feel more confident about myself and my life.
Here's the big news... I've been doing so well mentally that in October I was fully discharged from mental health services! How amazing is that? Six months ago I believed I would be the same forever and that I'd always struggle through life BUT look- I've proven myself wrong. It has taught me that no matter what a person is going through, there is a light at the end of that dark and nasty tunnel. So if you're struggling right now, never give up hope because you WILL get through this. I now believe that it is all a part of life's lessons to make us stronger and more compassionate. It's definitely made me stronger and more compassionate, which is why I have decided to now dedicate most of my time to Minds Matter. My aim is to inspire others with my experiences and to help them realise that they are worthy of this thing called life. I've been through psychosis, depression, dissociation, anxiety, eating disorders, PTSD and I've still come out of the other side! Surely this is my calling to help others realise that they too can get through their shit times and feel better.
So, I've given my blog a revamp and added my Instagram, Facebook Page, Facebook Group and the all new Chat Room. I've added a Subscribe button, contact form, and a "follow by email" feature. This will help me to be more interactive with you and give advice whenever you may need it. Feel free to contact me at any time.
I'm really going to make a go of making Minds Matter a success globally. Expect more frequent posts from now on.

Stay strong.



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