Feeling Overwhelmed After Christmas

Excitement, alcohol, excitement, lots of food, excitement, diet culture all around, big family get togethers, stress of present buying, talk of diets after Christmas, seeing a lot of people, mixed emotions, did I mention excitement?

It's no wonder I'm feeling overwhelmed and burnt out after Christmas with all that going on, and chances are I'm probably not the only one. Initially I felt enthusiastic about Christmas this year, then stressed, then elevated, then dread, then guilt for feeling dread, then stressed again. How is one person meant to deal with this many emotions? Well, it's fucking hard, I can tell you. There's so much pressure on us this time of year. Is the present I got my parents good enough? What if my friend gives me a much better present than I gave them? Should I really be eating all this food? These are just a few of the questions that continuously ran through my mind; even on Christmas day, I was stressing. My emotions were in hyperarousal for around a month, I had heightened anxiety and the anticipation of what was to come came with a great apprehension of fear. 

Now I'm feeling a bit bummed out. Yesterday I spent all day in bed recuperating. I needed it. I was so worn out and I'd had a headache for three days straight. This morning I have awoken a little more refreshed physically. However, mentally my mind is still racing with conversations, questions, irrational thoughts and fears. I'm not used to big social gatherings so my anxiety is still high. I was actually meant to be seeing old friends and going out in town tonight, but I just cannot handle it right now, and that's okay.

So what can I do to lessen the effects that Christmas has had on me? Or what can YOU do to lessen the effects that Christmas has had on you?

Firstly, do whatever it is you need to do! Whether that's have a day in bed (like me yesterday), spend time alone or slouching with Netflix, it doesn't matter. Do what's best for your mental health. Put yourself first. Your health is important

It is also essential to try and declutter the mind. This is where meditation comes in extremely handy. There's plenty of guided videos on YouTube and there's lots of apps in the App Store/on Google Play (a good one in Headspace). Even just taking five minutes out of the day to focus on oneself and the present moment has been proven to be very beneficial to our mental health. Tuning into ourselves and acknowledging our thoughts, tensions and fears as well as focusing on our breath can really help to calm the mind and body. I usually practice meditation at least once a day for 20 minutes. That can be a lot to start off with, so trying just five minutes at first will be beneficial to you.

Another mind-clearing activity is yoga. Similar to meditation, this practice uses your body and mind simultaneously. Again, there are plenty of apps and YouTube videos to help you get started. There's nothing better than lying in Savasana (lying down pose) focusing on the breath. Also, it helps your flexibility and works muscles you never thought you had!

You may find that being creative today helps you. You cannot beat sitting painting or drawing whatever comes to your mind and letting it all go. Sometimes, I love to paint in watercolour without thinking. This is mindful painting. I don't judge what I paint, it just is, and I appreciate it. I'm letting out all my emotions on a piece of paper or canvas. I don't claim to be an artist (I'm most definitely not) so you don't have to be either.

Maybe try reading a good book. I'm currently reading The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf (which is fantastic by the way) and after that I'll be starting Fearne Cotton's Happy. Make sure you read positive books to uplift and/or inspire you. Whether it's a novel, an autobiography or even a romance. Whatever makes you feel good. Get cosy on the couch and drunk a nice, hot cup of tea while reading your book.

Take a social media break. We all know social media can become very competitive at this time of year. Comparing oneself to the next person whose life "seems" perfect, scrolling endlessly through feeds for hours and seeing adverts promoting diet culture. BO-RING. We don't need that shit in our lives, especially not all the time. Unplug and do you. You'll find you actually have a lot more time than you originally believed. More time to do mindful activities!

PUT YOURSELF FIRST. You don't have to do anything you don't want to, and certainly not for the benefit of other people. Think about what YOU want/need and do it. You're allowed to make your own decisions and if people don't like it? That's their problem, not yours. Let it all go.

Instead of going out with my friends tonight, I will be spending my time doing some of these activities, especially the meditation complete with candles and incense. Ahh bliss.

I hope some of these suggestions are useful to you if you're struggling right now. Remember, it's okay to not be okay. I feel you babe, I'm in exactly the same boat, but while we cannot change circumstances, we CAN change our perspective towards them.

Keep safe,



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